Welcome to the module: Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) in the PGD programme. I hope you will find the module enjoyable and stimulating. The aim of this module is to provide you with detailed information about SHRM. There are several integrated elements that, together, make up the module, which includes lectures and tutorials, assigned readings, assessments: individual and group case studies presentations. Each of these elements is integral to your mastery of this module and if you expect to do well, you should apply yourself to these equally. This module is based on the student-centred paradigm, a teaching and learning approach where the learner takes accountability for his/her learning process, through active participation, interrogating and pursuing knowledge, skills and competencies.
Achieving sustainable competitive advantage for manufacturing and service rendering organisations through efficient utilisation of resources is one of the responsibilities of managers in the 21st century. To ensure business sustainability, corporate strategies are usually formulated in many industries. Hence, HR strategies must be formulated and adequately aligned to corporate strategies in order to add value to the organisation. The knowledge of proper alignment of HR strategies with corporate objectives and strategies is essential for HR practitioners in addressing sustainability issues in the 21st century (which is the main focus of Strategic Human Resource Management).

The objective of this module is to explore key SHRM imperatives including strategic workforce planning and development, talent management, fostering employee engagement, and other contemporary issues in SHRM. The module will critically engage students in the theory and application of SHRM as a sub-concept of strategic management. Case studies relevant to HRM in contemporary organisations will be reviewed with a view to facilitate critical evaluation, problem identification, and constructive problem solving. I hope you find this module interesting and challenging.

Thank you!
Facilitator: Sulaiman Olusegun Atiku, Ph.D.