This module helps you improve your academic language proficiency. It also  draws your attention to listening to academic lectures, giving oral academic presentations, reading academic literature,  writing short, researched essays. English for Academic Purposes teaches you to  avoid plagiarism by paraphrasing, quoting and summarising other writers’ work through the American Psychological Association referencing style.  You are expected to produce researched essays, do online tests and quizzes and write a semester examination.

This course seeks to equip participants with the necessary skills to manage people in the changing work environment. These include new technologies and the concomitant social trends which are affecting patterns of work, such as outsourcing across national boundaries, home-based work, flexi-time schedules, and others. The course will examine the implications of these changing trends for both organisations and individuals. It will also explore resultant changes in the management of people especially in relation to motivation and performance.