CMO3512 (Physical Chemistry for Pharmacy Students) is a First Year course in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy. It is an introductory course that explains elementary concepts in Physical Chemistry. The basic components of the course are: Solution Chemistry, Elementary Thermodynamics and Elementary Kinetics.
In 2020, because of the COVID-19, pandemic, the course will be offered mainly online. Communication platforms will include Moodule, Panopto, Group Whatsapp and email.
Lecture slide deck will be available on Moodule, explanations and problem solving will be undertaken on Panopto and Group Whatsapp. General communication will be via email to
In 2020, because of the COVID-19, pandemic, the course will be offered mainly online. Communication platforms will include Moodule, Panopto, Group Whatsapp and email.
Lecture slide deck will be available on Moodule, explanations and problem solving will be undertaken on Panopto and Group Whatsapp. General communication will be via email to