In this module we will focus on parasites particlarly Protozoology and Helminthology as well as mycology.

Infections due to parasites and mycoses continue to cause high mobidity and mortality all across the world, more so in developing countries with he number of affected people running into millions. Leishmaniasis, Filariasis, Malaria, Schistosomiasis as well as Mycoses remain seriouse public health problems. A number of parasites and fungi that were once known to be harmless are now known to be life threatening in immunocompromised individuals including those suffering from the Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS).

Inspite of the numerous advances, the control measures against such infections against parasitic and mycoses infection have not been entirely satisfatory most probably due to increasing populations, poor socio-economic conditions and poor sanitation in developing world.

The students will become familiar with various classification of parasites and fungal agents of health concern.