To be Announced
To be Announced
To be Announced
Please contact the Learning and Teaching Enhancement section: for further guidance.
Fiona Anderson
Tel: +264 61 206 4539
Ms Martha Jonas
Tel: +264 61 206 4751,
As one of the mandate of the university, we need to provide further training and continuing education, to contribute to the social and economic development of Namibia and to foster relationships with any person or institution, both nationally and internationally. Short courses are designed and provided to the university staff and external stakeholders to update or upgrade their skills and knowledge to be efficient in the ever-changing work environment.
On the other hand, short courses serve as an important source of a fourth income stream for the university.
Credit-bearing short course refers to a short course that has a direct relationship with the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and is assigned an appropriate NQF credit value. More details can be obtained on the university intranet.
Non-credit bearing short course is a short course that falls outside the intended scope and purpose of the NQF of Namibia OR, though it can be aligned to the NQF, it does not result in any NQF award. More details can be obtained on the university intranet.